Just so you can understand us when we get home, we wanted you to know some new terms we have learned down under.
Mind your head = watch your head
No worries = all is okay
Bloke = man
Loo = bathroom
Give way = yield
Round-About = traffic circle
Sheila = woman
Lollipop man =flagman
Mates = friends
Mateship = friendship
Crook = sick
Fortnight = 2 weeks
Biscuit = cracker or cookie
Pot of beer = glass of beer
Capsicum = bell peppers
Tomato Sauce = ketchup
Flat White = espresso with milk
Road Trains = very large and long tractor trailers
Bah Bah = Good Bye in one of the Aboriginal languages

Don't forget "boot" (the trunk of a car) and "bonnet" (a car's hood). "Sheila" was a wee bit derogatory when I lived in Canberra; it meant "a woman who's hard to handle," or something like that. The male equivalent was "George" (we'd say "Bubba")...
ReplyDeleteOne of our guides told us that if he called his wife Sheila, she would bop him in the head! No wonder! Thanks for sharing Greg!