Sunday, September 10, 2017

Flowers Galore!

Everywhere we looked, no matter what country, we saw flowers!  I am always so envious of the gardens and planters when in Europe and vow to go home and plan my garden for the next spring. Then I think of all the deer that will eat my plants and I never follow through on my plans!  At least I have the photos to look at when I get the urge to plant things!!

Food, Food and More Food

They fed us too much food on the cruise so we usually didn't want to eat when we were in town!  Of course a pretzel or two didn't really count as eating, right??

Shop Signs

I spent a good bit of time looking at the shop signs.  They are reproductions of course but a reminder of the old days.  Since people couldn't read, they needed signs with symbols to help them.  Now they are beautiful and ornate with words and symbols.  Here are a few.

Christmas Shops

I loved all the Christmas shops around Germany.  I bought one ornament but took lots of photos.

And a short video.  Love the mid century TV!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Hurdy Gurdy Man

I need to know!!  Which is the Hurdy Gurdy Man??



To Market, To Market to Find a Stroopwafel

Saturday is Market Day here in Amsterdam and we found the market we visited last year.  Now this was very important to me because I had my very first stroopwafel here.  I wrapped it up and ate it later.  It was wonderful but I have been thinking about it for the past year, regretting that I did not eat it right from the griddle.  So this year, as soon as the beautiful stroopwafel was handed to me, I bit into it.  Oh was so wonderful with a crispy outside waffle and a delicious honey filling.  Here's my newest best friend making a stroopwafel.  It was worth the year long wait!!