Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sumner Beach

Had a beautiful drive to a beach today!  A few surfers were out in the water but the waves were no challenge for them.  Not many people here so we enjoyed the beauty of this lovely beach community with only a few others.  This was not far from Christchurch.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Driving Around Christchurch -Corsair Bay

Our drive today took us past Christchurch to Corsair Bay.  We headed up, up, up to a beautiful
view of the community below, the mountains in the distance and the stunning bay.

Sheep, Sheep and More Sheep

New Zealand, the land of sheep!  3 sheep to every person and the human population in 4.6 million!  That's a lot of sheep!  The number of sheep has reduced dramatically here in Kiwi land since dairy has become an alternate source of revenue.

Imagine our shock to be driving along seeing plenty of sheep, lots of cows and then Bison!!  YES, bison!!  What fun to see this small herd of bison!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

New Zealand Bound

We're heading out tomorrow for a visit with our friends in New Zealand.  We're doing a drive around the South Island and checking out all the beautiful scenery.  Keep checking back for photos of our travels!